TTCN-3 Bibliography

To add your publications around TTCN-3 in the Wikindx database please sent related information and/or a copy of your publication to the TTCN-3 Editing Team at ETSI:


Recent additions or edits (WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

Szabados, K. (2015). Creating an efficient and incremental ide for ttcn-3. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Informatica, LX(1), 5–18.
Added by: Kristof Szabados 16/07/2020, 11:11
Szabados, K., & Kovács, A. 2018, November 18–19, Developing and testing at large scale. Unpublished paper presented at 5th annual international conference of Hungarian Software Testing Forum.
Added by: Kristof Szabados 16/07/2020, 10:56
Szabados, K., & Kovács, A. 2015, October 20–22, Test systems, software systems. is there a difference?. Unpublished paper presented at 3rd User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing.
Last edited by: Kristof Szabados 16/07/2020, 10:49
Szabados, K., & Kovács, A. 2015, October 2, Technical debt of standardized test software. Unpublished paper presented at 7th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, Bremen, Germany.
Added by: Kristof Szabados 16/07/2020, 10:48
Knowledge and mindset in software development -- how developers, testers, technical writers and managers differ -- a survey. 2016, May 20–22, Paper presented at 11th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science.
Added by: Kristof Szabados 16/07/2020, 10:35
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 347 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)