TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Horváth, T., & Sulyán, T. 2007, June 26–29, A Framework for Testing AIS Implementations. Paper presented at Testing of Communication Systems (Testcom/Fates/Forte) 2007, Berlin Heidelberg. 
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Resource type: Proceedings Article
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73066-8
BibTeX citation key: Horvath2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: Application Interface Specification (AIS), Conformance Testing, Functional Testing, Service Availability
Creators: Horváth, Sulyán
Publisher: Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg)
Collection: Testing of Communication Systems (Testcom/Fates/Forte) 2007
Views: 10/2429
Service availability has become one of the most crucial parameter of telecommunications infrastructure and other IT applications. Service Availability Forum (SAF) is a leading organization in publishing open specifications for Highly Available (HA) systems. Its Application Interface Specification (AIS) is a widely accepted standard for application developers. Conformance to the standard is one of the most important quality metrics of AIS implementations. However, implementers of the standard usually perform testing on proprietary test suites, which makes difficult to compare the quality of various AIS middleware. This paper presents a testing environment which can be used to perform both conformance and functional tests on AIS implementations. The results and experiences of testing a particular AIS middleware are also summarized. Finally we show how to integrate our testing environment to be part of a comprehensive TTCN-3 based AIS implementation testing framework.
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