TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Vega, D., Din, G., & Rentea, C. 2006, May 31–June 2, Towards Quality Evaluation of TTCN-3 Tests. Unpublished paper presented at ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2006, Berlin (Germany). 
Added by: Deleted user (07/07/2008, 11:59)   Last edited by: Deleted user (13/08/2008, 14:20)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Vegaa
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Categories: General
Creators: Din, Rentea, Vega
Publisher: Fraunhofer FOKUS, ETSI (Berlin (Germany))
Collection: ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2006
Views: 44/2743
The estimation of software quality is achieved by using software testing. A challenging task is to establish how good the tests are. In white-box testing techniques, an assessment of quality of tests is given in terms of coverage acquired by analyzing specific values corresponding to standardized software metrics.

An intensively debated topic in testing research area is how to measure the effectiveness of black-box testing. There are three main techniques to evaluate the quality of black-box tests: boundary-value analysis, input data partition and cause-effect graphs. All three methods present a certain degree of difficulty with respect to fault detection ability.

TTCN-3 is a test description language oriented towards black-box testing and serves as a good candidate technology for analysing the quality of this type of tests. This presentation will investigate various aspects related to the capability of a test to uncover software faults. The impact of fault-detection capability of a TTCN-3 based test system is studied on the basis of a) a static analysis of the abstract test suite and, b) a dynamic analysis of the interaction with the system under test (SUT). Means for empirical and formal evaluation of fault detection effectiveness, in particular test system interface coverage at the TTCN-3 ATS level, have been investigated. We also present the possible advantages in the static-based effectiveness analysis when a TTCN-3 meta-model is accessible behind the textual representation of the test-suite.
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