TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Szabados, K., & Kovács, A. 2018, November 18–19, Developing and testing at large scale. Unpublished paper presented at 5th annual international conference of Hungarian Software Testing Forum. 
Added by: Kristof Szabados (16/07/2020, 10:56)   
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Szabados2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: Architecture, Code smells, Development, Evolution, quality, Testing, Trends
Creators: Kovács, Szabados
Collection: 5th annual international conference of Hungarian Software Testing Forum
Views: 1/1771
We discuss our empirical observations related to the evolution of a large automated test system having more than one million lines of code. We have monitored the development of the test scripts and measured the code quality characteristics over a five years period. We show how different changes during the development have affected the internal quality of the test system. We present that the examined large scale test system follows similar growth trends as “normal” software systems and their internal architecture is governed by the same rules. We discuss also the question of how the different participants (developers, testers, managers, technical writers) are able to work together during the creation and delivery of software products.
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